CESP's Undergraduate Curriculum Design and Development
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Table of Contents
Stakeholders’ needs and feedback serve as input to curriculum design and development
The 2013 curriculum was revised in 2017 based on the results of latest stakeholders’ (student and alumni) needs and feedback analysis. It changed structure and identity of some courses. The changes of curriculum offer the student less workloads at their last academic year. Six credit number has reduced in 2017 curriculum compared to that of 2013. Furthermore, some changes make sufficient provisions before teaching practice in school. Some changes in the curriculum can be seen in this image.

The curriculum design and development process are established and subjected to evaluation and enhancement
The curriculum design and development process are based on the principles of evaluation and enhancement. The process of previous curriculum did not cover for all stakeholders needs analysis and there was no permanent curriculum development team. In 2017, CESP has an established curriculum development process. The curriculum design and development process start from analysis of policy maker, followed by FGD with the stakeholders to develop new curriculum. The new curriculum is then implemented and the same process will be repeated if there are one or more component changes in this cycle in order to evaluation and enhancement.