CESP's Undergraduate Specification

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Name of The Programme Chemistry Education
Name of Department Chemistry Department
Name of Faculty Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Science
Awarding Institution Universitas Negeri Padang
Nomor SK Pendirian PS No. 361/1985
Tanggal SK Pendirian PS 07 Agustus 1965
Pejabat Penandatangan SK Pendirian PS Menteri Pendidikan Tinggi dan Ilmu Pengetahuan (PTIP)
Bulan dan Tahun Penyelenggaraan PS Pertama Kali 07 Agustus 1965
Nomor SK Izin Operasional 70/Dikti/kep.2007
Tanggal SK Izin Operasional 02 April 2007
Last national accreditation for higher education A (29 September 2016 – 29 September 2021)
Nomor SK BAN-PT No. 2090/SK/BAN-PT/Akred/S/IX/2016
Programme Study Address Jalan Prof. Dr. Hamka, Kampus UNP, Air Tawar Barat, Padang, 25131
Degree Awarded Bachelor of Education (S.Pd)
Study Scheme Full time (full, two semester in a year)
Mode of Study Conventional and e-Learning
Duration of study to award the degrees 3,5 years (7 semester) in minimum; 7 years (14 semester) in maximum
Number of credits to award the degress 151 credits
Number of meeting per semester 16 meetings (minimal; mid-test and final test included)
Amount of graduated students on 2014 – 2018 323 people

Amount of registered undergraduate students on 2014-2018

666 people
Medium of instruction and reference materials Bahasa Indonesia and English
Nomor Telepon PS
Homepage http://kimia.unp.ac.id/chemedu
Email PS