CESP's Undergraduate Expected Learning Outcome

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The ELOs and curriculum were formulated corresponding to UNP vice-rector for academic affair circular letter regarding reformulation the curriculum in accommodating a new model for field teaching experience programme at school. The formulation is also based on Guide Book for Implementation of Indonesian National Qualification Framework. This formulation involves stakeholder need analysis on MEC requirements which are the main policy maker to produce professional teacher in Indonesia and at the same time as the employer. The four MEC policies used in this analysis are about educational standard of elementary and middle education that a teacher should be fulfilled. The ELOs were also formulated through deep analysis on MRTHE policies , vision and mission of the university as other policy makers for higher education. The analysis process is illustrated below.

ELOs Developing Process in Chemistry Education Study Programme (Undergraduate)

The ELO design process is a multi-step procedure consist of an analysis of the MEC and MRTHE policies and vision and mission of UNP. Analysis of MEC policies are produced teacher competencies while analysis of MRTHE policy and vision and mission of UNP which yielded competencies of university graduate as a foundation of competences of CESP’s graduate then formulated to be ELOs. Before it turns to be CESP’s ELO, it was discussed with staff, students and alumni through Focus Group Discussion (FGD). The relation between Strategic Planning (Vision and Mission) of UNP, Indonesian MEC policy and MRTHE policy could be seen below.